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Welcome to Foundation H.E.L.P.

Bringing Hope to the Orphans

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To give them a chance

Inspired by a life-changing event, Foundation H.E.L.P. was established in 2022 in Warsaw, Poland. Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, we have became one of the most trusted and effective association of volunteers serving in Ukraine and in Poland, working hard to save the lives of those in danger. 

As the months since the outbreak of the war pass, we have also shifted our efforts to include humanitarian relief to the over 5,000 Ukrainian Orphans in Poland, providing essential items as well as concentrating our efforts on improving the quality of life for these displaced children.

Above of our humanitarian efforts we H.E.L.P. with housing of refugees in Poland, free transport, securing employment and rescuing families from urgent, life-threatening circumstances.

Maksym's clubfeet

Triumph Attained, Mission Accomplished!

Upon learning about Maksym's condition of clubfeet in December 2022, we initiated swift and resolute action. With dedicated efforts, we organized doctor consultations and ensured regular transfers from Krzydlina Mała to Warsaw for bi-weekly treatments. Today, we stand as witnesses to the culmination of our endeavors.

This young Ukrainian orphan, Maksym, now possesses the opportunity to run and leap with the expanse of the sky. The journey from diagnosis to realization has been marked by unwavering determination and collective commitment.

Let this achievement underscore the potential that collaborative initiatives can harness when fueled by compassion and purpose.

With gratitude and a sense of accomplishment,

Artur Gorniewski, President of the Foundation

Orphaned during the war

Amidst the turmoil of war, Foundation H.E.L.P. remains resolute in its commitment to provide unwavering education, joy, and laughter to several dozen orphanages. Our unwavering dedication is a testament to our refusal to yield.

Essential Principles, as stated by Wasilina Andrejewna, Director of Kolyma Orphanages:

  1. Building enduring connections with adults is pivotal for children.

  2. Children must grasp that adults genuinely desire to spend quality time with them.

  3. Feeling valued by someone is of utmost importance.

A doubly tragic circumstance unfolds as some orphanages emerged amidst the war's chaos. To mitigate this impact, we visit them bi-weekly, providing solace and support. Our Founder, Artur Górniewski, introduced the "Kung Fu Panda" educational program during these visits. Through candid conversations, Artur, alongside psychologists and guardians, empowers children to forge their own life paths irrespective of their histories.

In these interactions, captivating narratives are shared. The story of Fryderyk Chopin, whose legacy graces Poland's main international airport, illustrates migration's transformative power. Similarly, the heartwarming saga of the Wedel family, chocolate moguls who migrated from Berlin to Warsaw, demonstrates resilience. This narrative culminates in the distribution of Wedel's cherished "Birds milk" chocolates, imparting a tangible connection to their inspiring journey.

Foundation H.E.L.P. is unwaveringly dedicated to empowering children, nurturing hope, and shaping futures.

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Children's day, Women's day, New Year's and all the occasions we are present to give to the Children as much care and attention as possible.

May 2024:
Set of sport activities followed by trophies and lots of gifts. Everything sorted out by Foundation H.E.L.P.

2022, 2023 & 2024
Educational trips for the Children. "Sky is the limit" tours is our original program. Get in touch with us to learn more.

Educational Trips and Classes

Amidst the turmoil of war, Foundation H.E.L.P. remains resolute in its commitment to provide unwavering education, joy, and laughter to several dozen orphanages. Our unwavering dedication is a testament to our refusal to yield.

Essential Principles, as stated by Wasilina Andrejewna, Director of Kolyma Orphanages:

  1. Building enduring connections with adults is pivotal for children.

  2. Children must grasp that adults genuinely desire to spend quality time with them.

  3. Feeling valued by someone is of utmost importance.

A doubly tragic circumstance unfolds as some orphanages emerged amidst the war's chaos. To mitigate this impact, we visit them bi-weekly, providing solace and support. Our Founder, Artur Górniewski, introduced the "Kung Fu Panda" educational program during these visits. Through candid conversations, Artur, alongside psychologists and guardians, empowers children to forge their own life paths irrespective of their histories.

In these interactions, captivating narratives are shared. The story of Fryderyk Chopin, whose legacy graces Poland's main international airport, illustrates migration's transformative power. Similarly, the heartwarming saga of the Wedel family, chocolate moguls who migrated from Berlin to Warsaw, demonstrates resilience. This narrative culminates in the distribution of Wedel's cherished "Birds milk" chocolates, imparting a tangible connection to their inspiring journey.

Foundation H.E.L.P. is unwaveringly dedicated to empowering children, nurturing hope, and shaping futures.


July 2023:
Remarkable guitar and singing performance Stefano Cotugno. We also gifted a guitar so that the Children can practise. 

June 2023:
Summer camp at the Baltic Sea for three Orphanages. Included a concert in Gdańsk 

December 6th 2022:
Santa party with Pizza, toys 
giveaway and tour around Frombork - the city of Copernicus. Seven more pizza parties followed since that day till today.


Our current efforts are focused on supporting Ukrainian families both in Ukraine and Poland as well as the thousands of Ukrainian orphans currently residing in orphanages on Polish soil, by providing the H.E.L.P. which has been our focus since the outbreak of the war.  We will not stop.

Artur Górniewski, Founder

Foundation Info

Artur Górniewski, Founder, Poland +48 500 044 140

Non-profit Bank Account Info

Account Holder: Fundacja H.E.L.P.

IBAN: PL22 1140 2004 0000 3302 8259 9232


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